Tag Archives: Florida Workers Compensation Benefits

Dangerous Occupations in Florida
Nonfatal injuries and illnesses among U.S. workers declined between 2015 and 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. But on-the-job deaths increased by 7 percent, reaching the highest number of fatalities since 2008. The most worker deaths occurred in Texas, followed by California and Florida. Nationally, truck drivers and sales worker/drivers experienced… Read More »

Involved in a Car Accident During Your Morning Commute – Are You Protected by Workers’ Compensation?
In 2015, there were approximately 374,522 car accidents in Florida. Of those, approximately 243,396 people suffered bodily injuries. There is a good chance some of those wrecks occurred when a Floridian was commuting to or from their job. So is this accident covered by workers’ compensation? In Florida, it depends. Coming and Going Rule… Read More »

Undocumented Workers Not Getting Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Florida
Florida is supposed to provide workers’ compensation benefits to all injured workers, regardless of their immigration status. But a recent NPR and ProPublica investigation found that a 2003 state law enables insurers to avoid paying lost wages and medical expenses to undocumented workers. However, in the State of Florida if you do not use… Read More »